The purpose of this program is to encourage graduate student participation at the TMA doctoral school and the TMA workshop by funding the travel cost for students who would otherwise be unable to attend.

How to apply

Please submit your application here.

  • A resume with complete contact information and correct email address.
  • A short personal statement (1 or 2 paragraphs, no more than 1 page) that include information that the applicant feels is relevant to support his/her case, e.g., why the conference attendance is important to the applicant's research and career development. It must include the estimated expenses for attending the conference (total, and breakdown by conference registration, travel, lodging, and meals). If you will be unable to attend the doctoral school and TMA without a travel grant, please explain why this is the case.
  • A letter from your advisor, which should (i) confirm the applicant's good standing in the institution; (ii) explain why the applicant would benefit from attending the doctoral school and TMA; and (iii) explain the current funding status and why the applicant is in need of the travel grant. This letter can be sent to "renata DOT teixeira AT inria DOT fr" if your advisor prefers.

When to apply

Apply before February 1, 2015, 11:59 PM CET. Late applications will not be considered.

Decision notification will be sent out by February 4, 2015.


Additional instructions/information

Please pay attention to the following details about the student travel grant application and reimbursement process:

  • You must be a student at the time of attending TMA to qualify for a travel grant.
  • Please provide complete contact information. We will need to have your current mailing address. (Please take into account any address changes you may have near the time of the stipend deadline, for example due to school breaks.) You will be notified via email, so make sure your email address is correct on your application.
  • The expectation is that a student travel grant will significantly offset air fare and shared hotel accommodation. It may not fully cover these expenses, however, since our desire is to maximize participation by students. In order to obtain reimbursement, you must provide your original receipts for air fare and hotel expenses.
  • NOTE to travel grant recipients: The reimbursement process can take on the order of several months so please be patient!
  • The decision on student travel grants is made by the Ph.D. school oraganizing committee; all decisions are final.


Travel tickets reimbursement

Contact person for you to get reimbursed your travel cost to attend the TMA Ph. D. School:

        Antònia Romero at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. from the secretariat of our department.

Procedure to follow:

  1. Keep the invoices of the travel tickets purchase.

  2. Keep the boarding passes (plane or train), both outbound and inbound.

  3. Request to your bank a certificate of your bank account details where you want we transfer the reimbursement.

  4. Make a photocopy of your ID or Passport.

  5. AFTER the TMA conference, when you are back home, put everything (items 1, 2, 3 and 4) in an envelope, and send it to the following postal address before May 4th:

                 Att. Antonia Romero
                 Departament d'Arquitectura de Computadors
                 c/. Jordi Girona, 31 – (Campus Nord, D6-218)
                 08034 Barcelona
                 Catalunya, Spain

Important note:  Do not forget to put the sender postal address in the envelope.



The student travel grants program is possible thanks to our generous supporters:





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