

Note about poster sessions

During the PhD school, all students will have to present a poster describing their current research work. Posters will be presented in the Poster Sessions indicated in the Program. The title of the poster should be provided in the registration form. The size of the poster must be DIN A1 (594x841 mm) and you should print it yourself and bring it with you to the PhD school.



April 21, 2015

09:00 - 10:30: Internet Research with "Big (Internet) Data"
10:30 - 11:00: Break with posters 1
11:00 - 12:30 : Internet Research with "Big (Internet) Data"
12:30 - 13:00: Posters 1
13:00 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 15:30: Anonimized data analytics
15:30 - 16:00: Break with posters 1
16:00 - 17:30: Anonimized data analytics
17:30 - 18:30: Panel (research directions on network measurements)
Mark Crovella (BU), Christophe Diot (Technicolor), Paul Francis (MPI-SWS),
Pablo Rodriguez (Telefonica), Walter Willinger (Niksun)


April 22, 2015

09:00 - 10:30: Data mining for measurement data
10:30 - 11:00: Break with posters 2
11:00 - 12:30 : Data mining for measurement data
12:30 - 13:00: Posters 2
13:00 - 14:00: Lunch
14:00 - 15:30: Networked Systems Research: Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues
15:30 - 16:00: Break with posters 2
16:00 - 17:30: Networked Systems Research: Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues


Class descriptions


Internet Research with "Big (Internet) Data"



With peta-bytes of data that are continuously collected about various aspects of the Internet, how hard can it be to obtain an accurate picture of its traffic, its physical topology (i.e., router-level Internet) and the various virtual connectivity structures (e.g., AS-level topology, WWW, P2P networks, online social networks), or its “dark” sides and associated activities? In this course, Dr. Willinger will use the example of the Internet’s router topology to illustrate why despite all the available “big data”, we still lack a basic view of the physical Internet and how future Internet measurement studies have to change so that the much-heralded big data approach to Internet research can achieve ifs full potential. Simple exercises will help the students understand the nature of these changes. [slides]


Walter Willinger is Chief Scientist at NIKSUN, Inc., the world leader in real-time monitoring and cyber forensics solutions. Before joining NIKSUN, he worked at AT&T Labs-Research in Florham Park, NJ from 1996 to 2013 and at Bellcore Applied Research from 1986 to 1996. For the last 25 years, his research has centered around Internet-related measurements, first in the from of packet traffic traces, later in the form of routing and traceroute data, and more recently in the form of “big data” for cyber security. His work is featured in "The Best of the Best - Fifty Years of Communications and Networking Research" (a 2007 IEEE Communications Society book compiling the most outstanding papers published in the communications and networking field in the last half century), was included in “The Princeton Anthology of Best Writing on Mathematics 2010 (a Princeton University Press publication that collected the finest writing on mathematics published in 2009 from around the world), and garnered a number of IEEE and ACM SIGCOMM paper awards.​


Anonimized data analytics



In this class, Dr. Francis will discuss commonly used approaches to anonymizing data sets, how they can weaken the value of the data, and how ultimately they rarely result in real anonymization.  He will describe the technology behind the anonymizing analtyics service that his research group, in close collaboration with the startup Aircloak, has developed.  This service is unique in that data is strongly anonymized (for instance meeting German legal requirements for anonymization) while providing almost no data fidelity loss. Participants will learn about anonymization techniques, legal aspects of anonymization, trusted computing, system hardening, and a little about the business of anonymized analytics.


Paul Francis is a tenured faculty at the Max Planck Institute for Software Systems in Germany. Paul has held research positions at Cornell University, ACIRI, NTT Software Labs, Bellcore,and MITRE, and was Chief Scientist at two Silicon Valley startups. In the past, Paul’s research centered around routing and addressing problems in the Internet and P2P networks. Paul’s innovations include NAT, shared-tree multicast, the first P2P multicast system, the first DHT (as part of landmark routing), and Virtual Aggregation. More recently, Paul’s research has focused on Internet privacy with a focus on private behavioral advertising systems and anonymized analytics. Paul is cofounder of the startup Aircloak.


Data mining for measurement data


In this short course Prof. Crovella will discuss matrix-analytic methods for data mining tasks on Internet data. He will focus on the use of linear models based on matrix factorization to address problems in (a) recovering missing data and (b) anomaly detection. Example implementations will be given using python. Students should bring one or more datasets consisting of numeric data in matrix form for use in a short lab exercise and make sure that their laptops have python (2.x or 3.x) with the following libraries: numpy, matplotlib, pandas, and scikit-learn. [ slides ]


Mark Crovella is Professor and Chair of the Department of Computer Science at Boston University, where he has been since 1994.  He also currently serves as Chief Scientist of Guavus, Inc, a 500-person startup focusing on analytics for streaming data.   Prof. Crovella's research interests center on improving the understanding, design, and performance of parallel and networked computer systems, mainly through the application of data mining, statistics, and performance evaluation.   He has made contributions to the measurement and modeling of Internet traffic and infrastructure, and to anomaly detection in networks.  He has also made contributions to the design of Web servers, network protocols, and network routing.   Most recently, he has contributed methods and results in the analysis of social and biological networks.    Professor Crovella has served as an editor for the major journals in his field, has chaired a number of conferences, and from 2007 to 2009 served as Chair of ACM SIGCOMM.   Professor Crovella is co-author of "Internet Measurement: Infrastructure, Traffic, and Applications" (Wiley Press, 2006), holds nine patents, and is the author of over two hundred papers on networking and computer systems, which have been cited over 20,000 times.   Prof. Crovella is a Fellow of the ACM and of the IEEE.


Networked Systems Research: Ethical, Legal and Policy Issues



Ethical dilemmas in information control research and conducting Internet measurements have been a topic of increasing debate over the last few years. As the Internet is becoming increasingly pervasive in people’s
lives, networked systems research projects are collecting increasingly sensitive data on individuals, or affecting people in previously unknown ways. A discrepancy exists between human subject research - where there
are relatively strict and broadly-understood ethical traditions - and networked systems research where (a) the consideration of these issues is relatively new, and (b) the existing best practices from other fields don't easily translate. After a discussion on some ethical considerations, students will tackle some practical dilemmas in these fields in an interactive session. [slides]


Bendert Zevenbergen is a Ph.D student at the Oxford Internet Institute. His doctoral research focuses on information privacy theory and privacy impact assessments for emerging Internet technologies. He’s also a Senior Fellow with the Open Technology Fund where he conducts research into the ethics of networked systems research. Next to his studies he has worked on projects in the fields of cyber security, Internet governance, copyright, virtual communities and identity verification. Before starting his doctoral research he was a policy advisor on information policy at the
European Parliament and a practicing lawyer in Amsterdam.


Posters 1

  1. "Leveraging Delay-insensitive Workload in Cloud Storage", Suiming Guo
  2. "DDoS Attacks Mitigation using OpenFlow-based SDN", Mattijs Jonker
  3. "Determining the State of Security in the IPv6 Internet", Luuk Hendriks
  4. "Analyzing the interconnection models of content providers", Manuel Palacin
  5. "Compressing Regular Expression Sets for Deep Packet Inspection", Fabiano Tarlao
  6. "Predicting Web Quality of Experience from Active Measurement", Alemnew Sheferaw Asrese
  7. "Understanding Link Stability and Performance In Mobile Network", Ermias Andargie Walelgne
  8. "A novel statistical approach for the analysis of Network Monitoring time series", David Muelas
  9. "Booters: The DDoS as a Service Phenomenon", José Jair Cardoso de Santanna
  10. "On the inter-domain topology of Africa", Roderick Fanou
  11. "A Hybrid Approach for measuring Quality-of-Service in Cellular Networks" Eren Boz
  12. "IXPs: is De-peering the Right Choice?", Roberto di Lallo
  13. "Topology Generation Simulation with Big Internet Data", Muhammed Abdullah Canbaz
  14. "Summary generation from crowd-sourced reviews", Sara El Aouad
  15. "Remote Peering: More Peering Without Internet Flattening", Ignacio Castro
  16. "Crowdsourced Mobile Internet Measurements", Mah Rukh
  17. "Measurement Study of Online Mobile Video Service", Lei ZHAN
  18. "Towards a User-Experience Model for the Mobile Internet", Daniel Weibel
  19. "Zen and the Art of Network Troubleshooting: a Hands on Experimental Study", François Espinet
  20. "There and Back Again: Characterizing International BGP Detours", Anant Shah
  21. "New Methods for Ranking Influence in Social Networks", Luis Chiroque
  22. "Mobile QoS evaluation through passive testing", Ivana Bachmann
  23. "Passive Media Curation from HTTP Logs", Stefano Traverso


Posters 2

  1. "A Low-Latency Network Monitoring Platform", Jeff Rasley
  2. "Border Gateway Protocol (BGP) Anomaly Detection", Bahaa Al-Musawi
  3. "Towards a Framework for Web Page Classification Using Anonymized TCP/IP Headers", Sean Sanders
  4. "Quantifying Middlebox Impairements", Korian Edeline
  5. "Estimating Internet Penetration Using Network Measurements", Petros Gigis
  6. "Mobile QoS evaluation through passive testing", Gabriel Del Canto
  7. "Network Highlighter", Danilo Giordano
  8. "Multipath TCP traffic in real world", Viet Hoang Tran
  9. "Mobile QoS evaluation through passive testing", Benjamín Holloway
  10. "Impact of Carrier-Grade NAT on Web Browsing", Ali Safari Khatouni
  11. "CrowdSurf: Empowering Informed Choices in the Web", Hassan Esam Hassan Metwalley
  12. "Unsupervised Anomaly Detection", Juliette Dromard
  13. "Large-scale Network Measurements", Oliver Gasser
  14. "On the opportunities of a widely spread measurement platform", Timm Böttger
  15. "Effective monitoring of slow suspicious activities on computer networks", Harsha Kumara Kalutarage
  16. "High Performance Network Evaluation and Testing", Artur Pilimon
  17. "Quantifying interferences between measurements on RIPE Atlas", Thomas Holterbach
  18. "DNS Traffic Monitoring with Apache Storm", Caterina Muñoz
  19. "On the different behavior of targeted and commodity malware" Enrico Mariconti
  20. "The web explored by users interpreted as graphs", Luca Vassio
  21. "Network Connectivity Graph for Malicious Traffic Dissection", Enrico Bocchi
  22. "Device-specific Traffic Characterization for Root Cause Analysis in Cellular Networks", Mirko Schiavone
  23. "RCATool - A framework for Automatic Diagnosis of Internet Anomalies", Pierdomenico Fiadino
  24. "Comparison of tcp congestion control algorithms in data transfers on high RTT", Edion Tego

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