This study was contracted for by the Communications Networks, Content and Technology Directorate-General of the European Commission through the SMART 2012/0046 tender. The study was started in April 2013, and has conducted surveys, interviews, and two workshops. The draft final report of our study will be made available for comment and feedback by attendees at this workshop. The finished report, incorporating this feedback, will be presented to the EC in May 2015, at the end of the study.
Scott Kirkpatrick of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem is leading the study, working with partners:
Dimitri Papadimitriou from Alacatel-Lucent Bell Labs in Belgium;
Martin Potts, Eunsook Eunah Kim, and Sathya Rao from Martel Consulting, Switzerland;
Javier Aracil and Jorge E. Lopez de Vergara Mendez of the Universidad Autónoma de Madrid;
and Timur Friedman of the UPMC Sorbonne Universités.